Netnode facilita la obtención de ingresos sin anuncios que dañan la experiencia del usuario
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Netnode te facilita la vida
Donde quiera que estés, independientemente de lo que pueda hacer tu aplicación, Netnode puede ayudarte a generar ingresos duraderos.
App Market Analysis and Research
Mobsi is an advanced platform to research and analyze applications in the Play Store. Get detailed information, such as the number of downloads, reviews and ratings, SDK analysis, visualizations and reports for a complete analysis of the mobile app market.
Apps with SDK
See how many apps use SDKs, what types of SDKs they have installed, and which ones they monetize with.
99 % Play store
Access 99% of the apps available on the Play Store and filter by categories, number of downloads and type of monetization.
Explore the play store and discover the potential of mobile apps
Identify applications that are trending in real time in your country and optimize your development and marketing strategies.
Get the main information for each application.
Access important information about each application, such as number of downloads, reviews and ratings, along with contact details such as email and address. Also, what SDKs are integrated, how they are monetized and more relevant details.
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Quickly find specific information within a wide variety of applications.
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You can select different categories to get specific and detailed information according to your needs.
Monetization method
You can see which apps monetize with SDK ads or if they sell a subscription.
You can select different categories for clear and concise information.
Prices of our Mobsi
Access the most comprehensive database of mobile phones and CTV applications.